Herb Garden Secrets: Growing From Non GMO Organic Seeds

Aromatic plants, herbs and spices sometimes require as much caring as vegetables or flowers.

Decorate a separate garden with herbs, to enjoy them in your kitchen.

Aromatic plants can be planted by seeds to grow non gmo herbs anywhere in the garden (can find them on Amazon), but many of them can grow excessively if not properly cared for. For this reason, some gardeners prefer to separately arrange a garden with herbs.

Aromas of herb garden will delight you at least a few months a year, especially in late spring and early summer, when most herbs bloom.

Aromatic plants will attract bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects, increasing the chances for the other plants in your garden to get to their full potential every year.

Suitable Place for the Herb Garden

When you decide to decorate a garden with herbs in your yard, keep in mind some practical considerations which can ease your work.

The herb garden must be located as close to the kitchen so you do not lose too much time when you want to add a dash of flavor to fresh cooked foods.

Most herbs need sun throughout the day. Make sure the chosen space is sunny and the soil is sufficiently nourishing.

Ideal Size for the Herb Garden

Aromatic plants do not need much space in the garden, so ideal size depends on your needs and the variety of more or less herbs you want in your garden.

If you plan to dry the plants to consume them throughout the year or if you want to use them to make a natural potpourri, you’ll need a larger number of plants and a suitable space.

Relationship between perennial and annual plants is also important for the size of the garden. If you fill the whole space with perennials you will not easily make changes next year, depending on your needs.

Seedbeds in the Herb Garden

If you want your garden to have a really decorative function, you must use geometric shapes in arranging the seedbeds. The classic model for a decorative garden with herbs is made of four squares: a square space cut by two perpendicular alleys to allow your access to every plant.

Once you have divided your garden in geometric shapes, whether squares, circles or semicircles, plants can easily group and alleys will give your garden an element of consistency pleasant to the sight.

Skilled gardeners know that plants should be grouped according to their needs (light, water, nutrients needed) but you can combine these functional and aesthetic criteria, choosing to divide plants after colors and flavors.

Because perennials tend to expand from year to year, it is recommended to separate the annual herbs to create the herb garden suitable for your needs.

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New Trend: Easy and Low Cost Landscaping

When planning to landscape your garden, it is ideal to be practical in choosing the design and the materials to be used. Low-cost landscaping can provide beauty and charm to your home without a doubt. Proper use of these materials can add texture, color and dimensions to the overall impact of your place without spending too much. You don’t need to hire professionals to create an extra appeal – your creativity is surely more than enough.

Your garden landscape is the first thing that will get attention from anyone upon entering your property. So it is your responsibility to give time and effort to your garden in making sure that it complements your home. If you want to create a positive and gracious entrance for your family and guests, then you have to come up with a design that is unique and inventive.

A Plan to Get Started

Just like when you go shopping for your home needs, you prepare a checklist. In landscaping venture, there has to be a checklist plan as well, as this will give you a glimpse of what the entire output would look like after the project. Also, this will give you an approximate idea of how many materials are needed and how big the area to be landscaped will be.

  • Purchase superior materials – don’t consider on buying low quality materials as this won’t give you savings but more hassles in the future.
  • Check out possible designs – research on some ideas and inspirations that might help you decide on what fringes can be added on your landscape venture. Read some home garden magazines or check out some neighboring gardens for extra details.
  • Buy materials from direct sellers – instead of purchasing materials from stores, why not go for direct sellers, like when in need of landscaping stones go directly on quarrying sites.
  • Garage sales – this will give you great amount of savings if you know where to purchase them. This is where used but not abused items are found which can be of great use to your landscaping venture.

Make it Your Own

Be ready to get dirty and sweaty if you are venturing into a landscaping project. It will give you more savings if you do the tasks all by yourself instead of hiring professionals. However, if there are some jobs that seem to be too complex for one person to complete then always be wise with your decision, set aside tasks which you think you are capable of doing then consider on premium help if it’s really needed.

Think Economically

Landscapers always favor to purchase gardening supplies and materials during the good weather season. But then again, you can try to hold off because in this period prices are quite higher as the demand is increasing (residents of Port St. Lucie, FL can get loans up to $5,000 for garden improvements). Try to wait after the growing season – this is when most landscaping items are on sale. This is the right time to hunt for bargains on everything that you need. Also, if you are itched to purchase and can no longer wait for the season to end, then purchase if you must, a little of something won’t be bad after all. Buy some small plants and grow them, this will give some savings instead of buying the larger ones.

Order in Bulk

In landscaping, you may need large quantities of almost everything. So as much as possible, consider purchasing items in bulk as some stores are giving good discounts if you buy in large orders. This goes the same when you go shopping for your personal needs. Do the math and purchase in bulk if you need to.

Local Plants

When hunting for lovely foliage for your landscaping needs, choose native. Native plants will give you an assurance that they grow healthy in your area as they suit your place’s soil, weather and setting. More importantly, most native species don’t need much care and maintenance, which means they easily grow so you’ll immediately see the result of your effort and time.

Creating a good landscape for your home doesn’t have to be as costly as everyone thinks it should be. You just have to be creative in choosing your materials and maximize all your resources. Low-cost landscaping is always a good choice.

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Creative Landscaping: Adding a Touch of Zen

Living in a modern world somehow leads to stress and increases our anxiety. Life is full of pressure from work, family, studies and other factors thus, we seem to forget that we are just humans and susceptible to life threatening diseases. As an individual with compassion to the word “quality life,” I am delighted to introduce scenery within your homes that can improve your life for the better.

What does it take to live a life in a tranquil landscape? To the majority, living in a peaceful environment goes with a price considering the high cost of having a magnificent surrounding and large yard that not all of us can afford. But not everything is synonymous to the price, there are some landscapes that could lead us to serenity and peace of mind that does not require enormous wealth, and one of which is Zen.

Zen, a Japanese word, which translates ‘meditation’ is very popular because of its appealing touch to whatever scenery it is incorporated in. I am amazed with the stillness of life every time I am in the presence of an environment with the essence of Zen. Time seems motionless and the marvelous scenery refreshes my soul and inspires me to embrace life with happiness and enthusiasm.

How can an individual create an atmosphere with the touch of Zen? We all know that a Zen landscape must include several features and factors to achieve a tranquil atmosphere, and I am jubilant to share them to you.

A Pond of Life

My definition of Zen includes a pond which is the central feature of the landscape. It must include colorful fishes and other aquatic resources, which portrays the abundance of life in this water feature. Thus, when individuals take a glimpse of it, may help them realize the beauty and color of life.

This water feature represents our quest to prosperity but, tranquil lives. Also, the sound and physical features of the water provide magical substances that cleanse our soul and wash away our negative emotions and thoughts. It helps rejuvenate ourselves to a much better and peaceful life.

The Old Wise Bonsai

The presence of a Bonsai in a Zen landscape creates a great impression to the beauty of time and knowledge. Thus, whoever sees these wonderful ornaments is impressed by the artistry of its character, and the intricacy of the mind of its creator. These plants must be placed ideally near the pond since both of them represent the richness of lives in the water and on the land.

The Vibrancy of Colors & Styles

Ornaments in Zen must be carefully chosen. They don’t necessarily have to be expensive but instead, they must create harmony with the others may it be in colors, textures or shapes. Having the ideal plants, you can add glitters to the rocks and sand in the surrounding area.

We should also maintain the orderliness in size and length of the greeneries. Make sure each of them is being highlighted and not being overshadowed by the others. Remember, you are not aiming for a landscape of jungle, but for scenery of harmony.

Touches of Compassion

An individual grown with compassion are more successful, attractive and positive. Thus, these characters are very essential to an abundant Zen. The more abundant it is, the more relaxing it can make you feel.

An individual should spend a great deal of time growing plants and maintaining the beauty of the landscape. Make sure the plants and other ornaments in the landscape are properly grown so that, one will not fail to witness the luster of the place. Somehow, having a Zen garden is like raising a family worthy of your time, hard work and compassion.

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